
This is a country of happy people. Happiness is simple.


Micronation LUXURY MENTALITY – country of quantum tune.

The land of this country spreads through our hearts. The canon and the regulations are within reach for those who can tune into the strings’ vibrations of the quantum world.

God the Creator is omnipresent. And this is true because His vibrations flow through the entire field of strings of quantum vibrations. These vibrations transmit information to the energies of the quantum world for forming forms, packing them into clots, which acquire their atomic mass from the vibrating information. Based on the interference of that vibrations, atoms gather into a substance’s structure.

These vibrations are the WORD by which God, the Logos, creates the universe.

God is love, and in the quantum foundation of the universe, love vibrates in all its sustaining, creative, and resurrecting hues. But pain and destruction are vibrations of the material world, which loses resonance and alignment with its basis of quantum harmony.

All spiritual practices and spiritual knowledge serve to maintain the vibrational alignment of the macro and micro worlds. All healing practices are nothing more than launching the energy channels and meridians in the body to re-tune the body’s frequencies to quantum harmony, helping the consciousness resurrect into love.

Sooner or later, all forms fall apart. However, love has the property of resurrection, which is needed to continue the universe’s development process.

The resurrection of consciousness from the deadly vibrations of pain, struggle, and destruction is one of the tasks of people who exceed the level of consciousness of the consumer and exploiter. The developing consciousness is responsible for maintaining the vibrations of love in the material world, tuning in to the divine, quantum harmony.

Living in love is a conscious path, a conscious decision of the spiritual rebirth of all human aspects and our lives.

First of all, a person must resurrect the consciousness of the Creator in himself and grow from the childish position of the consumer. The Creator supports the process of eternal development. God Creates the universe and cosmic dwellings where God-inspired creatures, such as man, for consciousness evolution. The seed of the Creator is instilled into man, which has the potential for the development of our entire civilization to unfold into the consciousness of the Creator. The vibrations of the consciousness of many evolving Creators represent a singularity in one action with God and his development plan.

The creators do not parasitize on the fruits of their creation; they support evolutionary transformations from beginning to end. But the snake tempter, as an alternative representative, is always looking for where to profit as a worm in an apple. It conquers the territory of the garden of the universe.

The tree of knowledge, from which Adam and Eve ate the fruit, represents an image and an algorithm for the creation process, where God the Creator is the beginning and the end.

God is a global consciousness, and evolving consciousnesses are local seeds from One God, which have the potential to germinate and develop into a single global united consciousness of the Creator.

The consciousness of the serpent of the tempter seeks to parasitize on the fruits, thereby interrupting the process of their ongoing natural development from the seed into the Creator of the universe and again back to the seeds of the new creation.

The consciousness of the serpent of the tempter limits those infected with its way of thinking.

For example, a person parasitizes the planet’s resources as a worm parasitizes an apple. Since satisfying semi-animal needs the primitivity limits human consciousness, people are no longer interested in eternity development.

People don’t think that by exhausting the planet’s resources, we disturb its balance in the Solar System.

Citizens of the virtual country LUXURY MENTALITY are moving to a new qualitative level of consciousness of the Creator in man.

The luxury of their consciousness lies in comprehending a new relationship with the planet.

Citizens of the virtual space Luxury Mentality are aware of the fruit of the universe, which is our EARTH.

We understand that our planet is an essential element for our evolution into the consciousness of the creators. It is our responsibility to nurture it in harmonic vibrations.

We ask questions about maintaining the energy, position, and shape of the EARTH in the solar system.

Citizens of Luxury Mentality are looking for ways to implement new technologies that help the planet generate natural resources through the creation of favorable magnetic fields.

Our task is to create a Luxury Mentality brand that will carry a new philosophy and worldview of the Human Creator.

Everyone who wants to join the LUXURY MENTALITY project, please join the telegram channel.

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